K’ante’ (Chiapas)
We are working with the indigenous Mayan village of Abasolo in Ocosingo, Chiapas (Mexico), to enact a long-term ecotourism and sustainable retreat plan. The first phases of this project involved building an accessible shop for local artisans in the village to sell their locally crafted Amber jewelry. This allows the village to immediately generate revenue from their local craft. These profits can later be invested in future phases of the project, which aim to bring create an ecotourism retreat. This retreat will allow the community to share their ancestral sustainable farming practices with tourists interested in cultural exchange, while generating revenue to support their way of life.
More info coming soon on the next phases of development, which involve bio-gas harvesting from waste material, recycling water systems, and creating the retreat and community center spaces.
Estos proyectos en comunidades, generan encadenamientos, permitiendo empleos directos e indirectos, beneficiando a diversas familias que con su trabajo solventa sus necesidades básicas como alimentación, vivienda, salud y educación. Apoyarlos e impulsar sus ideas de proyecto, significa una esperanza de vida para la generación futura.
These community projects, generate connections, allowing direct and indirect jobs, benefiting diverse families that with their work solves their basic needs like food, housing, health and education. Supporting them and boosting their project ideas means a life expectancy for the future generation.
~ Judith Velazquez, Community Point of Contact